In Vienna we started out with a day of street ministry with a team from Four Corners Church. The top photo is our combined teams doing a #FlashMob in the heart of the business area. Yes, Leslie and I both joined in as best we could with the dance moves.
At the end of each performance the Gospel would be presented and then our teams would visit with people to pray with them. A woman with a walker was sitting listening and watching. When I went to talk to her she said her back was hurting at a level 10 pain. We released God’s love to her and she started to cry and was very touched. When we prayed for her back pain it went down and she was very grateful for the love and the prayer.
Sunday morning we were part of the church service with Wunderwerk Church that shares the same building at Four Corners Church.
Sunday evening we took part in the service in the same building for Four Corners Church. Here you see Pastor Chris Poeschl on the platform and the children ready to minister to the adults with words of knowledge. We then joined with the children to pray for those who came forward. There were physical healings and lots of impartations of love, joy and encouragement.